Price: $0.002122
Marketcap: $1,937,866
Total Supply: 913,374,943

Frequently Asked Questions

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Price: $0.002122
Marketcap: $1,937,866
Total Supply: 913,374,943
Frequently Asked Questions

The iVest DAO consists of:

  • A community of token holders.
  • Accounts on platforms such as Discord, Telegram, YouTube, X, Reddit, etc.
  • Financial assets and investments such as our Ethereum node, yield farms, crypto wallets and brokerage accounts.
  • All tied together with smart contracts on the Binance blockchain.

When you buy iVest, you are exchanging your BNB for iVest tokens. That BNB enters our liquidity pool (LP). When you sell iVest, you remove BNB from the liquidity pool.

The value of iVest at any given time is equal to the value of the BNB in the LP divided by the number of iVest tokens in existence. As every transaction locks away 3% in our LP and burns 1%, iVest holders see continuous price increases as there is more BNB in the LP and fewer tokens with a claim to it.

This makes iVest a deflationary investment. No more tokens can ever be created, and more importantly, the total supply of tokens shrinks with every transaction. So instead of being worth less and less every day like government-issued fiat currencies, iVest becomes worth more and more every day.

iVest combines hybrid DAO governance and unique tokenomics to fuel our community and uplift profitable investment ideas.

The iVest governance token benefits from an antifragile, deflationary economic design. Burning and Liquidity dynamics combine with our Vesting schedule to increasingly collateralize our liquidity pool.

iVest collected from transactions and from DAO related activities are shared as rewards to token holders and DAO contributors.

Our tokenomics creates conditions such that only a smaller, variable fraction of total supply is unlocked ("fully vested") and available to be sold at any particular moment. These are excellent incentives for bullish supply shocks and long term price appreciation.

  • A 10% fee is collected on Buy and Sell volume, allowing the network to operate, fund Vesting rewards, and incentivize DAO participation.
  • The Vesting Schedule smoothes price action, squeezing circulating supply while increasing the marginal value of all coins on the network.
  • iVest's unique innovations increase upward price price pressure and promote network health.

Uniquely, iVest innovates a method of time-lock vesting rewards and incentives which combine to squeeze circulating supply while increasing the marginal value of all coins on the network. The net-effects being long-term appreciation, resilience and scalability.

Upon purchase, buyers will receive half of their tokens immediately, which will be fully vested. The remaining half are vesting for 30 days, gradually releasing to you block-by-block. Rewards are paid to holders based on the amount of their fully vested tokens.

This vesting schedule smoothes price action, slowing high-volume traders and protecting the investment of all iVest holders. Hold your iVest tokens to continue earning passive token rewards and voting rights.

The combined effects of the Vesting and fee schedule promotes an antifragile, deflationary ecosystem. Buyers passively earn more tokens while iVEST circulating supply dwindles. Sellers wait for locked tokens to exit their position smoothing price action, limiting dumps, panic & manipulation. In this way, the Vesting schedule entitles you to earn a variable rebate.

iVest's 10% transaction fee is collected on Buy and Sell volume. This fee allows the network to operate, fund Vesting rewards, and incentivize DAO participation.

  • 3% Vesting reward is distributed proportionally to holders based on the amount of their fully vested tokens.
  • 3% is locked in our liquidity pool, strengthening the network and increasing the value of all tokens.
  • 3% is retained by the DAO for operations and investments.
  • 1% is burned as a deflationary mechanism and to increase the value of all tokens.

Paying the Vesting fee now entitles you to your share of all future Vesting fees collected. Our tokenomics can make this rebate really count and during high-volume periods may generate significant profits on top of covering fees.

Most iVest buyers will recover the initial 10% fee within the first 30 days. Typically, by the time your tokens are fully vested, your account balance should already be worth more BNB than your initial purchase.

Dapper Whales: To promote iVest network health, good-will, token velocity and appreciation; our largest holders (10,000,000+ tokens) donate an additional 3% when buying or selling. Of which, half are shared with the community through Vesting rewards and half are burned. This specifically recycles value from large holders and windfall early adopters to the broader community.

Why does CoinMarketCap say there's a 55% fee?

This is NOT ACCURATE. CoinMarketCap and other sites that do automated smart contract analyses do not understand our vesting mechanic. To their software, iVest appears to have a massive buy fee because 50% of your tokens are put into our vesting pool for 30 days. They have no way of knowing that iVest holds those in our Vesting Pool for you and gives them all back to you each day as they finish vesting.

Vesting Schedule: The combined effects of the Vesting and fee schedule promotes an antifragile, deflationary ecosystem. Buyers passively earn more tokens while iVEST circulating supply dwindles. Sellers wait for locked tokens to exit their position smoothing price action, limiting dumps, panic & manipulation. In this way, the Vesting schedule entitles you to earn a variable rebate. Paying the Vesting fee now entitles you to your share of all future Vesting fees collected. Our tokenomics can make this rebate really count and during high-volume periods may generate significant profits on top of covering fees.

Dapper Whales: To promote iVest network health, good-will, token velocity and appreciation; our largest holders (10,000,000+ tokens) donate an additional 3% when buying or selling. Of which, half are shared with the community through Vesting rewards and half are burned. This specifically recycles value from large holders and windfall early adopters to the broader community.

Buy-The-Dip: Bonus Vesting rewards are largest when selling pressure is high. Increase your yield by buying the dip or holding through selling.

Liquidity Shield: The Liquidity Shield smart contract removes iVest tokens from circulation, waiting to be paired with BNB coins generated from revenues and network activity. Strategically, these funds are added back to the Liquidity Pool at the current iVEST/BNB ratio, stabilizing price or increasing the collateralization ratio.

Deflationary Valve: The Liquidity Shield may occasionally deflate iVest tokens from circulation. Like a burn, this reduces the number of non-custodied tokens in circulation or existence, which increases upward price pressures.

The iVest ecosystem has implemented the following purchasing rules to ensure good faith participants have the best experience:

  • Maximum purchase: 1% of total supply (10,000,000 tokens)
  • Maximum wallet size: 4% of total supply (40,000,000 tokens)

Note that wallets can grow beyond 40,000,000 tokens due to transfers, reflections and other activities. However, a wallet containing 40,000,000 or more tokens cannot purchase more.

Please see our How To Buy page for detailed information on how you can purchase iVest.

The iVest DAO consists of:

  • A community of token holders.
  • Accounts on platforms such as Discord, Telegram, YouTube, X, Reddit, etc.
  • Financial assets and investments such as our Ethereum node, yield farms, crypto wallets and brokerage accounts.
  • All tied together with smart contracts on the Binance blockchain.

When you buy iVest, you are exchanging your BNB for iVest tokens. That BNB enters our liquidity pool (LP). When you sell iVest, you remove BNB from the liquidity pool.

The value of iVest at any given time is equal to the value of the BNB in the LP divided by the number of iVest tokens in existence. As every transaction locks away 3% in our LP and burns 1%, iVest holders see continuous price increases as there is more BNB in the LP and fewer tokens with a claim to it.

This makes iVest a deflationary investment. No more tokens can ever be created, and more importantly, the total supply of tokens shrinks with every transaction. So instead of being worth less and less every day like government-issued fiat currencies, iVest becomes worth more and more every day.

iVest combines hybrid DAO governance and unique tokenomics to fuel our community and uplift profitable investment ideas.

The iVest governance token benefits from an antifragile, deflationary economic design. Burning and Liquidity dynamics combine with our Vesting schedule to increasingly collateralize our liquidity pool.

iVest collected from transactions and from DAO related activities are shared as rewards to token holders and DAO contributors.

Our tokenomics creates conditions such that only a smaller, variable fraction of total supply is unlocked ("fully vested") and available to be sold at any particular moment. These are excellent incentives for bullish supply shocks and long term price appreciation.

  • A 10% fee is collected on Buy and Sell volume, allowing the network to operate, fund Vesting rewards, and incentivize DAO participation.
  • The Vesting Schedule smoothes price action, squeezing circulating supply while increasing the marginal value of all coins on the network.
  • iVest's unique innovations increase upward price price pressure and promote network health.

Uniquely, iVest innovates a method of time-lock vesting rewards and incentives which combine to squeeze circulating supply while increasing the marginal value of all coins on the network. The net-effects being long-term appreciation, resilience and scalability.

Upon purchase, buyers will receive half of their tokens immediately, which will be fully vested. The remaining half are vesting for 30 days, gradually releasing to you block-by-block. Rewards are paid to holders based on the amount of their fully vested tokens.

This vesting schedule smoothes price action, slowing high-volume traders and protecting the investment of all iVest holders. Hold your iVest tokens to continue earning passive token rewards and voting rights.

The combined effects of the Vesting and fee schedule promotes an antifragile, deflationary ecosystem. Buyers passively earn more tokens while iVEST circulating supply dwindles. Sellers wait for locked tokens to exit their position smoothing price action, limiting dumps, panic & manipulation. In this way, the Vesting schedule entitles you to earn a variable rebate.

iVest's 10% transaction fee is collected on Buy and Sell volume. This fee allows the network to operate, fund Vesting rewards, and incentivize DAO participation.

  • 3% Vesting reward is distributed proportionally to holders based on the amount of their fully vested tokens.
  • 3% is locked in our liquidity pool, strengthening the network and increasing the value of all tokens.
  • 3% is retained by the DAO for operations and investments.
  • 1% is burned as a deflationary mechanism and to increase the value of all tokens.

Paying the Vesting fee now entitles you to your share of all future Vesting fees collected. Our tokenomics can make this rebate really count and during high-volume periods may generate significant profits on top of covering fees.

Most iVest buyers will recover the initial 10% fee within the first 30 days. Typically, by the time your tokens are fully vested, your account balance should already be worth more BNB than your initial purchase.

Dapper Whales: To promote iVest network health, good-will, token velocity and appreciation; our largest holders (10,000,000+ tokens) donate an additional 3% when buying or selling. Of which, half are shared with the community through Vesting rewards and half are burned. This specifically recycles value from large holders and windfall early adopters to the broader community.

Why does CoinMarketCap say there's a 55% fee?

This is NOT ACCURATE. CoinMarketCap and other sites that do automated smart contract analyses do not understand our vesting mechanic. To their software, iVest appears to have a massive buy fee because 50% of your tokens are put into our vesting pool for 30 days. They have no way of knowing that iVest holds those in our Vesting Pool for you and gives them all back to you each day as they finish vesting.

Vesting Schedule: The combined effects of the Vesting and fee schedule promotes an antifragile, deflationary ecosystem. Buyers passively earn more tokens while iVEST circulating supply dwindles. Sellers wait for locked tokens to exit their position smoothing price action, limiting dumps, panic & manipulation. In this way, the Vesting schedule entitles you to earn a variable rebate. Paying the Vesting fee now entitles you to your share of all future Vesting fees collected. Our tokenomics can make this rebate really count and during high-volume periods may generate significant profits on top of covering fees.

Dapper Whales: To promote iVest network health, good-will, token velocity and appreciation; our largest holders (10,000,000+ tokens) donate an additional 3% when buying or selling. Of which, half are shared with the community through Vesting rewards and half are burned. This specifically recycles value from large holders and windfall early adopters to the broader community.

Buy-The-Dip: Bonus Vesting rewards are largest when selling pressure is high. Increase your yield by buying the dip or holding through selling.

Liquidity Shield: The Liquidity Shield smart contract removes iVest tokens from circulation, waiting to be paired with BNB coins generated from revenues and network activity. Strategically, these funds are added back to the Liquidity Pool at the current iVEST/BNB ratio, stabilizing price or increasing the collateralization ratio.

Deflationary Valve: The Liquidity Shield may occasionally deflate iVest tokens from circulation. Like a burn, this reduces the number of non-custodied tokens in circulation or existence, which increases upward price pressures.

The iVest ecosystem has implemented the following purchasing rules to ensure good faith participants have the best experience:

  • Maximum purchase: 1% of total supply (10,000,000 tokens)
  • Maximum wallet size: 4% of total supply (40,000,000 tokens)

Note that wallets can grow beyond 40,000,000 tokens due to transfers, reflections and other activities. However, a wallet containing 40,000,000 or more tokens cannot purchase more.

Please see our How To Buy page for detailed information on how you can purchase iVest.


Disclaimer: Information on the iVest website does not constitute investment, trading or financial advice. iVest recommends doing your own research and consulting with your financial advisor(s) before making any decisions. Any company or product names are the registered trademarks of their respective owners.

iVest DAO, where everyone has a voice and the ability to propose projects directly to the network.


Disclaimer: Information on the iVest website does not constitute investment, trading or financial advice. iVest recommends doing your own research and consulting with your financial advisor(s) before making any decisions. Any company or product names are the registered trademarks of their respective owners.